Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hello World

This is my World of Warcraft blog.

I am one of many who has been inspired to write by the ubiquitous BigRedKitty.

So, why me? What do I bring to the table. I dunno. The one thing I see is that most of the warcraft bloggers have high level toons and have been playing for, oh, I dunno, forever?

I am a n00b (or nub or newb). I have been looking for information on how to play at the level I am playing and to push me to be a better player. BRK has been a great resource for this. The challenge is that most bloggers (naturally) write about what's going on currently in their game play.

While I would rather READ about what people are doing at my level, since I can't find much being written there, I will WRITE about what I am doing at my level.

I hope that someone finds this useful. If nothing else, my mind works better when I am analyzing what I do, so I'm hoping that writing will also improve my game play.

I am also an alt-aholic. I have several toons on several servers. I play them based on:
  • My mood at the time (Hordish vs Goody goody; Hunterish, Shamanish, Druidish, Priestish . . . well, you get the picture)
  • Whether I want to be social or not. My Hunters give me a chance to solo play when I'm wanting some alone time
  • Who is online.

    I am in a couple of good guilds. I was in Alea Iacta Est on Earthen Ring (great guild) until I had to take some time off (that whole work, school, family, life thing) I got /gkicked because I didn't play for a month and a half. A guild's gotta have her standards. I haven't really played the toon that was in the guild since I have started playing again so I haven't even tried to get back in.

    My brother lives in Japan. In game chat is about the only way we stay in touch. He's been playing since launch and so is great on giving tips and such. He is the one that got me to cross the line and start playing (gasp) Alliance.

Anyway. There is probably a lot more to cover and this hasn't been the most coherent of ramblings. I imagine that I'll get better as I write more. That's usually how skills work.

1 comment:

Diana Sioux said...

Heavy sigh. Now you and BRK and others have me thinking about starting an actual WoW blog. Extra-heavy sigh. I really don't want to do that! Isn't my addiction bad enough already? If I were to start an entire blog dedicated to WoW, methinks that would push the addiction in the realm of omggetalifegirl! Yes, I know posting about WoW on my regular blog is exactly the same thing. But, somehow, posting there allows me to trick myself into believing that it's not.

Oh, and did you REALLY have to burst my little 'coolness' bubble? C'mon! Let me have my little fantasy. I mean, seriously ... if a bunch of jocks think you're cool, then you're probably doing somthing stupid. But if the smart kids think you're cool, maybe they'll give you first option of investing in their brain-trust corporations one day. :-)